Hi, I’m Brent Gardner, an independent life insurance broker in Dallas, Texas. This site primarily covers the subject of the latest generation of life insurance policies: Indexed Universal Life Insurance and Participating Whole Life with Indexed Dividends.
For comparison purposes, the subjects discussed will certainly include other types of life insurance, such as Term Life insurance, the other forms of Whole Life, the different forms of Universal Life, as well as the opposite of life insurance – the annuity policy.
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“Rule Number 1: Never lose money. Rule Number 2: Never forget rule Number 1.”
– Warren Buffett
Brent is a second-generation life insurance specialist, learning many of the fundamentals under the mentorship of his father, Lanny Z. Gardner, Certified Insurance Counselor.
Now entering his fourth decade of practice, Brent has helped thousands of people with their life insurance, estate planning, retirement planning, and business continuation planning.
Brent has served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Financial Service Professionals, as an Ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce, and as a volunteer for the National Association of Health Underwriters, the American Heart Association, and the Ronald McDonald House.
In order to fully understand how life insurance works today, a prudent life insurance broker has to drill down into the history of life insurance, how business cycles, economics, laws, regulations, and taxes have influenced current policy design.